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Success Story: My 9 Months Journey towards MDR TB recovery

Time to End TB

My 9 Months Journey towards MDR TB recovery

I am Sanjay Maharjan and I am 28 years old now. Back in 2018 I was in a land of opportunities – working as a part-time yoga instructor, studying at university and dreaming of getting a good job. All of a sudden, I started cough and chest pain which was persistence for more than 2 weeks. So, I decided to visit GENETUP for regular check up regarding Tuberculosis, since I had Pulmonary TB few years back and I was worried that it may have occurred again. After Chest X-ray and sputum Gene/Xpert test, I came to know that I had RR/MDR TB. I was shocked with fear and dilemma as I knew nothing about this condition. But then, Dr Bhawana guided me and walked me through the treatment process.

I was enrolled in 9 months newer MDR shorter treatment regimen. When I came to know this treatment was recently started in Nepal and there were only few patients under this treatment, I was quite nervous. However, seeing those patient getting better day by day convinced me to believe in this treatment. I didn’t have to go through lengthy 20 months of treatment which was a relief.

Initial few days were difficult as there were more than 18 tablets which were to be taken within an hour including injection for first 4 months. At times body ache, head ache and vomiting added more suffering however, strong belief in medical team of GENETUP kept me motivated to take all the medicine regularly.
After few months, my body was used to these medicines. I also made few friends in a daily DOT clinic visit. We encouraged and supported each other to take medicine so that we all can be better and return back to normal life. We used to play game and have fun with each other so that this painful phase can pass away with ease.
I would like to tell everyone that „if the recommended dose of medicine is taken regularly then you can win over this disease and lead a normal life. Today I have recovered and am back to my work and study within 9 month.

I am extremely grateful to all the medical team of GENETUP who helped and guided me through the journey of disease to recovery. I would also like to convey my special thanks to NTP for providing the facilities of regular investigations free of cost and nutritional allowance of NRs 3000 monthly. The nutritional allowance means a lot for every DR TB patients, especially when you are not able to work due to disease like me. Patient would be more than grateful if NTP would increase this nutritional allowance, so that the amount of money provided is enough to take balanced diet at least during the treatment period. Likewise, I would also like to request for transportation allowance since this treatment is health institution based ambulatory treatment. The family and friends support also played vital role to keep me motivated. I would like to end with a note that if we are counseled well periodically by the health worker team and if we carry optimistic attitude, anyone can overcome TB.

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